
IRT Nanoelec News

Photonics | Discovering the CEA silicon photonics platform developed in the framework of the institute


At Photonic West (4-6 Feb, 2020, San Francisco, USA) ) and at Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (10-12 March, 2020 San Francisco, USA ), CEA-Leti presented the evolution of the silicon photonics platform developed in the framework of the institute. Particularly, this platform enables the integration of two optical waveguide layers – in silicon… Lire la suite » ... Read more »

Educ & train | 25 PhD students discovered characterization technics based on neutronic and X-ray synchrotron radiations


In March 2020, a brand new training module took place on the EPN campus (ILL–ESRF, Grenoble, France) for 25 students from the Postgraduate School of the Grenoble Alpes University. Designed by the “large-scale instrument characterization program “and the “training program” of the Institute, the module provided PhD students with an overview of different synchrotron and… Lire la suite » ... Read more »

Webinar | Bridging the gap between semiconductor technologies and architecture


On March 13, 2020, IRT Nanoelec hold a webinar workshop “Bridging the gap between semiconductor technologies and architecture” design focussed on 3D integration, Photonics & Cybersecurity. Additional contents to the workshop 13/3/2020 Video here. Introduction IRT Nanoelec at a glance Hugues Metras, IRT Nanoelec, France See Hughes slides About the talk : The presentation will… Lire la suite » ... Read more »

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