
IRT Nanoelec News

Si capacitive modulator integration in a 300mm silicon photonics platform using different annealing conditions


Silicon photonic modulators are a key component for electro-optic transmitter within data centers. Electro-refractive modulators relying on free carrier plasma dispersion in Mach-Zehnder interferometer have become the most popular solution. Accumulation–based capacitive modulators are an efficient approach, which can reduce the modulation power consumption. In this work in the frame of Nanoelec/Photonics Sensors Program, Ismael… Lire la suite » ... Read more »

To Reduce the Cost and Size, and Improve Performance of Lidar Systems


#Press Release @Photonics West’21 Taking a critical step toward developing LiDAR systems for widespread commercial applications, CEA-Leti, in the frame of Nanoelec/Photonics Sensors program, has developed genetic algorithms to calibrate high-channel-count optical phased arrays (OPAs), as well as an advanced measurement setup enabling wafer-scale OPA characterization. OPAs are an emerging technology made of arrays of… Lire la suite » ... Read more »

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