
IRT Nanoelec News

Aug. 24 | 1.1 million euro to support companies in digital transition


Coordinated by CEA-Leti and involving #Nanoelec/Pulse program, DigiFed aims at facilitating the accelerated adoption of cyber-physical systems (CPS) by companies. The 1st Open Call launched last march generated 72 eligible proposals which involved 94 European companies including start-ups, SMEs and mid-caps from across Europe. 22 European companies have been selected to receive financial, technical and… Lire la suite » ... Read more »

Jul. 6 | Webinar on photonics on Si


Beyond high-performance computing (HPC) & data centers, Photonics technology is now ready to address applications in Consumer Electronics, Industrial, Automotive & Transportation, Smart city, Cybersecurity, Food & Beverage, and Medical Care. Optical sensors provide accuracy, sensitivity, selectivity, versatility, and speed of acquisition. Thanks to the development of integrated photonics, next generation of optical sensors will… Lire la suite » ... Read more »

Dec. 2-3 | Radiation testing of semiconductor devices and systems


The G-RAD workshop aims to put together testing facilities and radiation experts and stakeholders from industry and academia to stimulate discussion on current and future needs in radiation hardness testing and evaluate limitations of available radiation facilities and possible evolutions. G-RAD wokshop is “powered” by #Nanoelec Large Scale Instruments program and its Platform for Advanced… Lire la suite » ... Read more »

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