
IRT Nanoelec News

Sustainability as a driver for education & training design


Sylvie Blanco, Professor and Executive Director of Innovation at Grenoble Ecole de Management and Pangiota Morfouli, Professor at Grenoble-INP (Grenoble Institut d’Ingénierie et de Management)/UGA, are co-directors of the the Nanoelec/Human Capital & Training Design Program. They enlighten context and challeges of the program. The overall goal of the Human Capital & Training Design program… Lire la suite » ... Read more »

The very best atomic layer etch (ALE) process for Gan components and related materials


Through an ongoing joint development partnership with Nanoelec, Lam Research, a a leading US supplier of semiconductor processing equipment. has been establishing a suite of enabling process solutions for GaN semiconductor device fabrication. Key to these capabilities is an atomic layer etch (ALE) based process that can provide ultra-low damage, atomic scale precision etching of… Lire la suite » ... Read more »

Public-Private R&D synergy in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France


Every year, Grenoble-INP oversees around ten Nanoelec/Easytech projects, which have been increasingly focused on digital technology, connected systems and embedded artificial intelligence. Karim Chibane, Head of Technology Transfer at Esisar and Head of the Grenoble-INP Easytech Program, explains. Can you tell us about the Esisar program? Every year for more than 20 years, the infrastructure… Lire la suite » ... Read more »

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