Sandra Tochon, co-director of the Technology Dissemination program at Nanoelec, in charge of the SystemLab initiative.
© P. Jayet/CEA
Experimented in 2020, SystemLab was established as part of the Nanoelec Dissemination program in 2021. Y.Spot, the open innovation center at CEA, runs the initiative. Sandra Tochon (CEA-Y.Spot), co-director of the Technology dissemination program, in charge of SystemLab, explains.
Where did the idea of creating SystemLab come from?
Together with our main industrial partners, we felt that it would be interesting to enhance Nanoelec’s technological dissemination offering, by organizing a stronger and more direct link with the R&D programs. In the SystemLab initiative, we work with the component manufacturers looking to explore new application fields.
What is the concept?
We are exploring application of new components based on the synergies between building blocks provided by various partners and on approaches closely linked to the potential users. In the medium or long term, we will use the results of this process to expand or enrich the characteristics of our partners components and generate opportunities for new technological routes.
So what is the approach?
The SystemLab partners share , an open technical mock-up and marketing platforms, methodologies to support open innovation processes combining creativity skills, exploitation of usage scenarios, value analysis and eco-design. Wecreated an open platform for use case exploration and evaluation based on merging optical sensors data flows. The components are supplied byour
partners for which we carry out time and space interfacing.
What fields are concerned?
We work first of all on the functions and services that can be introduced by multispectral image sensors. We aim to seek out what has not yet been explored. This means that we have to take account of many additional technical aspects, such as AI, data security, and data communication.
What is the driving force behind your coordination of the initiative?
SystemLab is a new way of exploiting the technology that we, engineers, hold so dear. It enables a link between the largest possible number of players, from widely differing backgrounds and sectors. which means meeting committed and fascinating men and women, virtually every day. We benefit from pathways already opened up by our colleagues in the open innovation team at CEA-Y.Spot. Their methods for leading workgroups and generating new designs are absolutely amazing. It’s now up to me to organize and coordinate that for our partners!
What fields are concerned?
The developments designed in SystemLab can concern component architectures, but also new functions (security, signal processing) or manufacturing processes needed for implementation of these innovations on the products. We work first of all on the functions and services that can be introduced by multispectral image sensors.
Dicover SystemLab intiative & Nanoelec/Dissemination program at a glance, here.