
IRT Nanoelec News

3D, Photonics, Pulse – a first international webinar at the institute


Nanoelec held a webinar “Bridging the gap between semiconductor technologies and architecture design” on 13 march 2020, in the context of Date international conference, postponed in view of the Covid-19 crisis. 11 key players of our community gave talks during the event, from Nanoelec, CEA, Mentor Graphics, STMicroelectronics, Schneider Electric, Prophesee and Polytechnic University of… Lire la suite » ... Read more »

Large multi-core 3D systems with multiple chiplets integrated on an active silicon interposer to support High Performance Computing (HPC) applications


  Perceval Coudrain (CEA-Leti) who works on 3D integration and advanced encapsulation, in the frame of IRT Nanoelec, received the “Best Paper Award” at the ECTC conference (May 2019, Las Vegas, USA) for his article entitled “Active Interposer Technology for Chiplet-Based Advanced 3D System Architectures”. The paper reports the first successful technological integration of chiplets… Lire la suite » ... Read more »

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