The startup Kentyou partnered with the Nanoelec/Pulse program in 2020 to enhance its own development to provide a strong capacity to connect sensors, merge and mine data for smart cities.
“As far as sensor technologies are affordable and wide spread for now on, city or building operators have to cope with the difficulty to extract intelligent information from the data deluge. They encounter difficulties to connect sensors and to merge data”, explains Levent Gürgen. Levent has been researcher at CEA and president of the Urban Technology Alliance (UTA)[1] before to create his own startup Kentyou, in April 2020. “Kentyou helps cities and innovators exploit digital technologies and build smarter and more sustainable urban environments”, adds Levent. Last year, the company partnered with the Nanoelec/Pulse program to enhance its own development to offer its customers a strong capacity to connect sensors, merge and mine data.
“Through Nanoelec, we had access to software platforms and skills of CEA, especially to implement the open source Sensinact[2] technology”, completes Levent. In addition, we recently benefited from the stimulating environment of the H2020 Large-Scale Pilot Activage project and took part in the experimentations in its French node driven by Nanoelec/Pulse and also in 9 other European collaborative projects”. As an IoT interoperability platform, Sensinact adopts a standard service oriented approach to provide loose coupling between the physical and the virtual worlds, which brings the necessary flexibility to deal with the dynamic and heterogeneous real world.
In 2020, the company has already hired 4 collaborators and has obtained a k€ 400 budget from H2020 EU program. Kentyou focuses on smart city services even if connected agriculture and Senior Care has been also investigated as market targets. “As an example, we have been started with Chamrousse, a mountain station in France, to provide an optimization of the skier flow and localization. We are also working with Santander, the well-known Spanish seaside resort & port. The idea is to enrich the tourist experience, manage car park capacities and provide citizens with optimized advices for multimodal public transportation”, adds Levent. “Our ambition is to reach 75 cities (of different sizes, French, European and beyond) that would use our platform within 5 years.”
[1] The Urban Technology Alliance (UTA) is a global non-profit organization providing city-scale testbeds from all around the world, to deploy, test and validate the latest smart city innovations –