#INWED24: [PODCASTS] Discover the impact of women in the nanoelectronics industry

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On the occasion of #INWD24 International Women In Engineering Day, Nanoelec’s Human Capital & Training Engineering program publishes podcats sound three produced by the Women and Economic Renewal chair at Grenoble-Ecole de management (GEM) with three experts from the Siemens group.

As part of INWED24, Naneolec is also offering, in conjunction with the Femmes ingénieures association, a webinar on diversity networks in major companies, Recorded on June 28, 2024, it is now available on replay. IN FRENCH. Replay here



SHE IMPACTS podcasts are powerful educational tools that enrich the training of students and professionals by providing diverse perspectives, models of success, and insights into skills and innovations in the nanoelectronics sector. They offer a multitude of educational benefits

  • Raising awareness of diversity and inclusion: testimonials from women working in nanoelectronics help to deconstruct gender stereotypes and encourage diversity in science and technology careers. Listeners can identify with these role models and be inspired to follow similar careers.
  • Knowledge of professions and skills: The podcasts offer a detailed insight into nanoelectronics professions and marketing in this sector. By explaining the necessary skills and associated responsibilities, they help students and retraining professionals to better understand the career opportunities available and the skills they need to develop to succeed in them.
  • Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship: Flore Gouaux’s journey as an “innovation broker” illustrates the importance of innovation in technological development. Listeners learn how new ideas are implemented and promoted, encouraging an entrepreneurial and innovative spirit.
  • Developing communication and leadership skills: The podcasts demonstrate the importance of communication and leadership in complex, technical environments. By listening to the experiences of women leaders, listeners can acquire strategies and skills to become effective leaders in their fields.