57 students from Grenoble-INP and Grenoble Ecole de management (GEM) took part in a “Sustainable Electronics” workshop organized on February 5 and 12, 2021 as part of the Nanoelec/Human Capital and Training Engineering (Chif) program.
“During the two sessions, the students worked in small groups with the objective of an in-depth reflection with the experts on the design of a smartphone incorporating micro-electronic components designed in the spirit of sustainable development (greenphone)”, explains Youla Morfouli, professor at Grenoble-INP and co-director of the Chif program.
Like last year, the educational approach was devised and led by experts from CEA, STMicroelectronics, Grenoble INP (UGA) and Grenoble Ecole de management and prototyped within the framework of Nanoelec. At the start of the workshop, the students worked on the societal challenges of sustainable development from an industrial point of view, with STMicroelectronics, and from a legal and regulatory point of view, with GEM.
This year they had a brand new tool called “My IOT” co-produced by the CHIF program and the Need For IOT program at Idex UGA. “This is a serious game that has never been seen before,” explains Laetitia Thomas, designer of the tool. The participants are engaged in a collaboration that aims to make information about the impacts of the IoT production chain accessible through simple and fun documentation: a visual and a synthetic sentence, in order to promote dialogue between different stakeholders (students, designers, and users of the IoT) ”.
This collaborative game aims to raise awareness and initiate an evolution of mentalities and behaviors regarding the impacts of the globalized micro and nanotechnology industry in an accessible, creative and engaging way.