IRT Nanoelec took part in a benchmark survey of open innovation programs—both national and international—that aimed to gather as much information as possible to complete an internal survey and determine the scope of the future IRT Nanoelec PULSE/Open Innovation Center (OIC) user-centered technological innovation platform. The survey also served to identify initiatives worldwide with which IRT Nanoelec could form future partnerships.
The survey was conducted in three stages:
- Survey of available documents and records and tours of programs in North America (disruptive innovation model)
- Survey of France-based programs to identify existing tools and resources financed by the French government’s economic stimulus package
- Tours of around fifteen sites in Asia with innovation models focused on local economic development

Centers built around a technology platform
Open innovation initiatives
Local innovation programs
Centers identified during the review of documents and records
The initial report highlighted:
- The use of methods to encourage entrepreneurship with the sole objective of developing startups

Shared offices
- Business-creation strategies with massive support from institutional backers, dedicated flagship buildings, multidisciplinary teams, industrial R&D partnership policies with a commercial service offering, and recurring components like coworking spaces, FabLabs, and showrooms
- Most of these initiatives are massively supported by government (Singapore, South Korea) or industrial corporations (Japan) and boast infrastructures considered investments (in the tens of millions of €) with the goal of identifying new models and industries and fostering the emergence of new economic stakeholders or future content providers
The survey confirms that our strategy for the future PULSE platform (which will be located at the future Open Innovation Center) is the right one, and that we have taken an effective approach to adapting the prerequisites for startups/entrepreneurs to services for existing companies (small- to medium-sized businesses, especially) and to determining the content of the services to be offered (immersion, exploration, and demonstrators/prototypes during early-stage R&D; and support with go-to-market strategies and technology transfer assistance during late-stage R&D).
These services will also be appropriately positioned with regard to other services available within IRT Nanoelec and the broader network (of suppliers).