[Summer School] Sustainable Electronics

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Nanoelec is supporting the SUSTAIN-E (Summer School on Sustainable Electronics) from June 16 to 20, 2025 in Grenoble. This summer school is aimed primarily at master’s students, doctoral students and professionals in the electronics and digital industries. The courses cover the conditions for the advent of sustainable electronics, from raw materials issues to eco-design methodologies, recycling and economic and regulatory constraints.

SUSTAIN-E is organized by the European GreenChips-EDU project involving Grenoble INP-UGA as part of IRT Nanoelec, in collaboration with the European EECONE project and Labex Microélectronique (UGA). It will take place from June 16 to 20 at Phelma Minatec, and will be conducted in
in English.

For full details of applications and the program, visit https://sustain.sciencesconf.org/