Trinytec was created in 2018 and designs, builds and sells a range of bespoke prosthetics for patients having undergone amputations.
Trinytec designs, builds and sells a range of bespoke prosthetics for patients having undergone amputations (c) Trinytec
The company has developed expertise in the fields of biomechanics, materials and customized manufacturing. It is today moving towards mechatronics and connected prosthetics. Following
two Easytech projects run at Grenoble-INP/Esisar, Trinytec validated the feasibility of its idea. The company decided to continue with development by hiring engineers and creating an R&D department within Trinytec devoted solely to the development and pre-industrialization of this system. A partnership was signed with three rehabilitation centers, so that a multicentric study can be carried out this year. Trinytec took part in the pilot phase of Defi-Ino, a project for a rapid environmental and societal impact diagnostic carried out by Nanoelec and ITE Ines.2S in 2021.