Radiation effects in semiconductor devices have come to play a major role in the performance and reliability of today’s electronics. Several reliability questions also arise from new applications (such as self-driving cars, nanosatellites, medical implants etc.). As the demand for radiation hardness testing is on the rise, the availability of radiation facilities providing industrial access to perform these tests seems to be decreasing. Traditional testing methodologies also seem to be limited in face of new semiconductor technologies.
Building upon the experience, the very positive outcome and feedback of the G-RAD 2020 workshop, we propose you to join us to continue from where we left 2020 at the G-RAD(NEXT) workshop.
The workshop is organised in collaboration between the Platform for Advanced Characterisation (PAC-G), RADECS association and RADNEXT. PAC-G is a service platform dedicated to the characterisation in micro and nanoelectronics developed in Grenoble in the context of the IRT Nanoelec, quite active in the business of irradiation. RADECS association, created in 1992 aims to promote basic and applied science and research in the field of radiation and its effects on materials, components and systems for space, civil nuclear and military applications. RADECS holds the annual RADECS European Conference and occasional RADECS workshops. It promotes research activities, scientific publications, co-operation and exchange with other relevant organisations on radiation effects. RADNEXT (https://radnext.web.cern.ch) is the first distributed research infrastructure for the irradiation community to offer free Transnational Access (TA) for precompetitive and publishable research activities for industry and academia. It is an initiative recently funded in the context of the Horizon 2020 programme connecting more than 30 partners across Europe, including most of the major facilities providing active in the domain of irradiation.
This workshop is dedicated to the whole industrial community where radiation effects in semiconductor devices play a crucial role: the chip designers, the foundries, the end users, the testing companies and the testing equipment manufacturers.
Date: Wednesday May 4th 2022 (Online)
Registration link: https://esrf.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMrcu2qrz8tGtB665YUIxKijTpSd_qbro1G
More information : https://lnkd.in/e-KTE4ip