Exploring the future of microelectronics

IRT Nanoelec runs multi-partner programs to make the electronics industry more competitive and greener, and thus contribute to the sustainable development of society.

The Nanoelec technological research institute is a consortium of private and public sector players. Our mission is to help companies create value and enable their products to stand out on the digital transition stage. Nanoelec contributes to the competitiveness of the electronics sector, especially in France. It is based in Grenoble, a world-class hub for research, innovation and production in the field.
Our R&D programs are built jointly by representatives from the academic and industrial worlds. They deal with the design and development of new processes, systems and components in the following fields:

  • Images : new-generation of displays and imagers,
  • Digital trust and frugality on connected objects and embeded AI
  • High Performance Computing (via photonics and quantum computing)
  • Characterisation and resistance to radiation of components and systems by means of large instruments.

Nanoelec also runs training design and technological dissemination programs for SMEs. With the support of the Auvergne Rhone-Alpes region, we implement open innovation methods as well as more conventional technological development methods for technology dissemination.

Given the pervasive nature of digital technologies, Nanoelec is in contact with actors from all sectors ranging from goods to services, industry and infrastructures to consumer products, not forgetting transportation, environment and health.

> Overview of our activities

Microelectronics Innovation

  • Carry out world-class collaborative R&D on common roadmaps gathering industrials and academics
  • Develop and transfer these technologies to create the electronic circuits of the future
  • Give industry players access to development, prototyping and advanced characterization resources

Technology Dissemination

  • Help businesses in the field of information and communication technologies meet the challenges of IoT and digital trust and security
  • Provide expertise to help SMEs from various industrial sectors build new products and services with innovative components and embedded software
  • Promote cooperation between SMEs, mid-caps and large companies
  • Collaborative innovation to unveil new applications

Development of human capital

  • Attract young people into jobs in electronics through inclusion, responsability, equality, sustanability
  • Map out needs and assess employment opportunities
  • Design training courses to meet current needs
  • Anticipate future skills required in the sector: sustainability, cross-skills, social and technical communities for innovation

> Key Figures

  • A consortium of 21 public & private members as of December 2024
  • €48M average annual budget (2020-2024)
  • 258 patents and 58 software filed, since 2012
  • 352 associated partners including 267 SMEs, since 2012
  • 784 scientific or technical publications & communications, since 2015
  • 200 full-time jobs, Yearly average 2020-2024

> Scientific and technical highlights

click here

> Partners

> Plugged to a full network for collaborative innovation

Nanoelec is one of the technological research institutes (IRT) and energy transition institutes (ITE) set up by the French Government and financed by the Investments for the Future program (PIA). These institutes pool academic and industrial players on R&D and their innovation projects aimed at boosting competitiveness of the french economy.

More information (in French) by clikcing here to the FIT website.

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