- Why did you turn to the Easytech program?
- Mu-test has major and ongoing technology development needs. For a very small company like ours, Easytech is a very good financial compromise that positions us to develop a product or explore a technological choice while controlling R&D spending over the long term.
- How has it helped you?
The first project we engaged in with Easytech began with exploratory research and ended with proof-of-concept testing of a communications solution. The second project led to a finished prototype. Without Easytech, we never would have taken the financial risk these development projects represented.
What role did Easytech’s support services play?
We took advantage of Easytech’s technical, project management, and managerial support for both projects. Of course, our involvement was critical from a technical standpoint. However, we were able to turn some of the project management responsibilities over to Easytech. The Easytech team assigned to our project (an academic researcher and a project manager) constantly made recommendations to help us overcome technical hurdles.