ILL (through the Characterization on Large Instruments program) was at ICNS (International Conference on Neutron Scattering) 2017 in Daejeon, South Korea, on July 9–13.
The Platform for Advanced Characterization-Grenoble (PAC-G) of the IRT Nanoelec Characterization on Large Instruments program was represented at ICNS (International Conference on Neutron Scattering) 2017. PAC-G was on hand at the ILL (Institut Laue-Langevin) booth (ILL is an IRT Nanoelec founding partner) to promote its advanced neutron-beam characterization services, highlighting the added value businesses can reap from the nearby resources of partners like the ESRF synchrotron, the CEA Nanocharacterization Platform, and the LSPC lab. Posters on display at the poster session introduced the global community of neutron-beam characterization users to the D50, a new instrument built with the support of IRT Nanoelec and dedicated to industrial applications, and to the findings of the feasibility study completed for Characterization Program partners as part of IRT Nanoelec programs.