A day-long meeting (JAIF 2019) on fault injection attacks was held on May 23, 2019 at MINATEC in Grenoble.

The day-long meeting on fault injection attacks followed two previous conferences on the same topic (SERTIF 2016 in Grenoble and JAIF 2018 in Paris). The purpose of the meeting was to bring together France’s security system fault analysis research community to share their latest advances and identify common research topics. France’s community is one of the most advanced anywhere in the world and is addressing a wide range of topics at the intersection of hardware security and software security.
The meeting was attended by 110-120 people, and was financed in part by IRT Nanoelec, the Grenoble Cybersecurity Institute, ANSSI, and the CEA. The event was held in parallel to a meeting of the working group on hardware systems security, which is shared by the SOC2 and IT Security research groups.