IRT Nanoelec joins EARIV

IRT Nanoelec has joined EARIV, the European Analytical Research Infrastructures Village.

IRT Nanoelec and its PAC-G platform for advanced characterization in Grenoble have joined the European Analytical Research Infrastructures Village to promote access to Europe’s research infrastructures—which include some of the most advanced instruments in the world—by businesses.

The initiative was unveiled at #RISofia2018 to support the long-term sustainability of and access to research by stakeholders from industry and society beyond 2020.

The overriding goal is to support business’ R&D, with a focus on the innovation process.

The other EARIV partners are: Accélération, TRAM Baltique, CalipsoPlus, EUCALL, Association LINX, NFFA-Europe, and SINE2020.

Visit the EARIV website: