This project, which is being run at the IRT Nanoelec Silver Lab collaborative innovation platform, will result in the functional assessment of and improvements to a hardware/software solution to monitor elderly patients’ physical activity for more comfortable, safer independent or assisted living so that the solution can be released on the market.
The VigiEHPAD use case (a nursing home patient room equipped with the solution) was selected by the 2018 Grenoble Medical Research Day organizers (https://secteur-sante.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/evenements/jrm-de-grenoble/programme-jrm-2018); this use case was also presented at a poster session at the Translational Research Meeting held on June 1 at the Grenoble University School of Medicine. The joint CEA-UGA publication covers the research and development work conducted with Schneider Electric at the Silver Lab and the results in terms of technology transfer.