The objective of the training was to equip first-year students at Esisar with the cybersecurity knowledge that all experienced users should have.
Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Esisar school of engineering has implemented a strategy to boost its students’ knowledge of cybersecurity and obtain ANSSI (France’s national agency for information systems security) certification for the training programs on offer.
The Cyberweek training program, designed to raise students’ awareness of cybersecurity issues, also aligns with the CyberEdu charter.
The week-long program included five sessions, one each day, on the following topics:
- Testimonials and feedback on careers and the integration of security into projects
- System-level security
- The importance of human behavior
- Laws and regulations
A total of 82 students received instruction during the week, attending lectures by experts, completing a MOOC (CISCO), and participating in workshops. The program is also open to partner businesses of the TRUST Chair of Excellence.
Participants could also take a test to obtain CyberEdu certification, which was created to give students and employers reassurance that the digital security training delivered complies with a charter developed by ANSSI (CyberEdu and SecNumEdu; certification in progress).
The program ended with a feedback session so that participants could give their ideas for the 2019 session of Cyberweek.