A group of students in the Biomedical Engineering program, which includes several courses developed at IRT Nanoelec, are exploring new developments based on the MagIA system.
The MagIA project, backed by France’s National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and financed in large part by technology-transfer organization SATT Linksium Grenoble Alpes, is focusing on the development of a new blood testing system. The underlying principle is an extremely simple immunological analysis (using specific antibodies to detect proteins) that would allow the system to be embedded in a reliable, easy-to-use portable device.
The project, which kicked off in January 2015, has given around ten students opportunities to work on prototypes and investigate potential uses.
A startup will be created to develop the technology (expected start date: early 2017) and the founding team will include several Biomedical Engineering graduates, including two currently working on Ph.D. dissertations on the project.