SATT Linksium and IRT Nanoelec finalized their partnership agreement in 2016. The agreement is part of a broader partnership between France’s IRTs and SATTs at the national level.
SATT Linksium is a tech-transfer organization set up to mature and transfer the technologies developed at its shareholder’s labs (Grenoble-Alpes University, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France’s National Center for Scientific Research, INRIA, CEA). IRT Nanoelec is a consortium led by the CEA and made up of the same partners.
The agreement lays out in very practical terms how stakeholders in both organizations will work together to promote their services to potential entrepreneurs, recommend each other’s services, and support entrepreneurs’ projects at every stage. The two organizations are already working together, so the agreement will help create even more synergies and reduce the risks for entrepreneurs. The agreement also includes an assessment process—a key concern of the French Commissioner General for Investment, which finances both partners—and a communications clause that establishes a framework for joint communications initiatives.