- What does your company do?
ISKN was founded in 2014. We make digital slates that people can use to draw with the same sensations as drawing on paper, with the added benefit of being able to work with their drawings in real time just like on a computer. Our goal is to reintroduce human emotion into interactions with digital environments.
- How did investigating new uses for a magnetometer technology contribute to the development of ISKN?
The magnetometer technology responded to the need for augmented human interaction with digital environments.
User-centered development work was completed at IRT Nanoelec in 2012–2013; IRT Nanoelec continued to help us develop the technology in 2014–2016.
- What is the outlook for ISKN?
We currently have around 50 employees. We are diversifying into BtoB concepts to drive growth. We have set the very ambitious goal of making ISKN’s technology the new standard in terms of bridging the physical and digital worlds.