Very compact and efficient, low-cost power converters

Power electronics covers a vast range of applications, from personal electronics to the electrification of private and public transport. Gallium nitride (GaN) and other wide bandgap materials can considerably reduce the energy losses that occur during voltage transformations. For the 100-650V range, GaN-on-silicon (GaN/Si) technologies are supplementing the current possibilities offered by silicon carbide and silicon components. They enable compact and efficient, low-cost conversion systems to be envisaged, designed to meet the wide range of society’s electrification needs.

Powergan: Creating a French industry

Symposium | March 15, 2022 @Paris

At a time when the technology is mature enough for industrialisation, the Nanoelec and Saint Exupéry IRTs and the Vedecom lTE gathered the academic and industrial GaN community together, for discussions on the following topics:
• Structuring an industrial sector, at the initiative of STMicroelectronics, and the contribution of the dedicated IRT Nanoelec programme
• Application prospects and R&D aspects
• Institutional initiatives

Contents (in French)

Detailled program & contact with speakers

March 15, 2022 @Paris