Special report: ENA: Equipement Nomade Autonome (self-powering mobile equipment for off-grid buildings)

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The ENA research project, spearheaded by Groupe Brunet, explored emerging uses for technology in off-grid environments characterized by limited resources and extreme mobility. Specifically, the project, part of the IRT Nanoelec PULSE program, produced ENA, a self-powering and connected mobile unit leveraging bridging systems and technologies contributed by IRT Nanoelec partners.

“ENA is an off-grid utility solution that can be set up in just one day. It consists of self-powering and connected mobile units that can be used to equip an entire work or living space with utilities to meet each user’s unique needs.”
In short, ENA responds to emerging user needs in tomorrow’s multifunctional residential and commercial buildings in off-grid environments—without access to traditional energy, water, and telecommunications networks.
IRT Nanoelec’s research explored and validated the pertinence of emerging needs and identified which technologies have the potential to respond to issues like transporting energy, overcoming hurdles like outdated grid infrastructures, line-loss and waste, and maintenance.
A self-powering prototype, usable in a variety of off-grid situations, was built. It is being commercialized by Zest, a startup created as a result of the project.
Website: http://www.anywhere-zest.com/
Email: contact@anywhere-zest.com

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ENA off-grid solution
demonstrator installation
ENA prototype set up in front
of MINATEC during the
Experimenta fair
ENA prototype set up at a
shopping center in
Ambérieu en Bugey